Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I was looking through my facebook page and saw the link for this blog.  I can't believe how long it has been since I posted!  My profile info is VERY out of date.  We now have 2 grandbabies, Carson is 3 and a half and Jackson is 15 months old.
Daddy isn't doing very well.  Right now he has an upper respiratory infection.  He's had hospice since March of this year.  They have been a lifesaver.  Mom is doing well.  We try to give her some time to herself since her days are pretty much spent taking care of Daddy.
Our family has grown a lot since my last post.  Lindsay has 4 kiddos now- the triplets, Hudson, Carter and Ella are almost 6 and Charlie is almost 4.  Arin and his wife (he got married in 2011) are expecting their first baby, a girl they have named Tahlula Grace, is due anytime now.  Cole has a son, Cody, who just turned 2.  Victoria and her husband Jacob (they got married last year too) are expecting their first child in May of 2013.  The biggest surprise in the great-grandbaby generation is Edie.  Last December I got an email from a woman who was looking for Corey's relatives.  She is the adoptive mom to the baby Corey and his girlfriend had when they were only 15.  It wasn't something we talked about, but wasn't a big secret either. Anyway, needless to say, we were VERY excited to meet her.  Laurie and Scotty and wonderful parents and Edie has a sister, Dori, and a brother, Eric.  They live in Claremore.  She is a cheerleader for the freshman team.  She looks EXACTLY like Corey. 
Clint is in private practice.  He loves it.  He is also doing stand up comedy.  I am the 'butt' of a lot of his routine, but I can take it.  Besides, life with me is pretty darn funny.
Ethan graduated last year.  He went to Bacone to play baseball but ended up needing knee surgery so he had the surgery and is at TCC this year.  I'm not sure if his knee can take the stress of collegiate level sports.  He is still dating Deana.  They've been together over 2 years.  She spoils him so we like her:)
Wyatt is working in a machine shop.  He has the boys here two nights a week and every other weekend.  He is a wonderful Daddy.  He and Ashlee aren't together, but are co-parenting well together.  Carson and Jackson remind me so much of Wyatt and Ethan.  Ashlee is a great mommy and the boys are really good kids.
I changed school districts.  This is my second year to teach for Jenks.  I LOVE IT!  I teach 3rd and 4th special education.  I've never worked harder, nor felt as satisfied as I have at Jenks.  They have a really awesome faculty and staff.  My principal is fantastic too.
I'll try to update more often.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas

Many things have happened since the last post. I'll try to be more consistent, but it is easier to Facebook:)
First bit of family news- Ashlee and Wyatt are expecting another baby! She's due July 31st. Should make for an interesting weekend, Arin is getting married July 30th. Victoria is engaged. His name is Jacob and he's a great guy. I think they plan a winter wedding (next year). Cole is a daddy- Philip Cody Dean Stephens was born September 20th. He's beautiful too:)
Carson will be 2 in March. He's the most brilliant and beautiful baby ever. Yes, I'm biased, but it is also a fact.
Daddy and Momma have both been in the hospital twice each since the middle of October. Mom has what is called 'drop attacks'- if she sits too long her blood doesn't circulate into her legs well enough. When she stood up to walk, down she goes, passing out. EEG and CT scans are clear. They adjusted meds and she seems to be better. Daddy had severe puking and dehydrated. They gave him 3 bags of IV fluids both trips. The good thing about the first trip to Hillcrest was they did all the heart tests on him. He's in pretty good shape there. He takes stomach meds now and his appetite is finally improving.
Zoey started pre-k. She's the smartest kid in the class. (really) The triplets are 4 and Baby Charlie is 2. They go to preschool too. They are keeping in the Johnson greatgrandkid tradition of also being the smartest kids in their class.
Beth has been busy making quilts. She should enter them in contests or something. They are gorgeous. She made Clint and me pairs of cashmere socks to wear when we are on the bike. Cashmere is about the warmest thing you can put on your body. I haven't gotten to ride lately- we haven't made many of the Southern Cruiser rides because of other things we've had to accomplish. Clint and Wyatt got the garage cleaned out (with help from Ethan, Jordan and me) and have taken the Honda 550 Four apart. Now they just need to put it back together!
Leann is loving being a Mimi. Jan is enjoying having some time to herself since Zoey started school.
More later-

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!

Baseball season is in full swing. Ethan is pitching for varisty. He's got a mean change up. I'm not sure if that is the ptich he calls his 'dirty pitch' or not, but after a couple weeks of not getting to pitch much, he pitched Friday day and did awesome. He closed out the game with 2 innings. First inning he had 4 pitches, 3 outs. Last inning he threw a few more, but still did awesome. This pic is of Wyatt & Carson watching baseball on TV. Hopefulle Uncle E will be on there someday!
Ashlee passed her national board test. I hate to say it but I'm not sure if she's a dental assistant or dental hygenist. Anyway, she's working days and Wyatt stays home with Carson. Then, Wyatt is umpiring baseball and mowing yards in the evenings. They are really doing well.
We only have about 5 weeks of school left. Thank the Lord! I love my kids and working with Misty and Michelle, but I'm ready for a break.
My garage is STILL in horrific shape and so is the yard. I'm ready to have a huge garage sale and get rid of nearly EVERYTHING.
Clint bought a Harley. He's loving it! It isn't quite a comfortable for me as the GoldWing, but I'm adjusting. He has an agreement with a friend from church to buy another Harley. This one is a Heritage Softail. If you don't know much about Harley's (I'm learning every day) this one is a little bigger with a bigger backseat. Yea! Clint has admired (I hate to use the word covet) this bike since Mike bought it new in 1990. So, we'll be a 2 Harley family. I'm going to get my motorcycle endorsement and see if I like riding. I think I'll be too nervous to enjoy it, but I'm going to try.
Clint has a blog called the Zen and the Art of motorcycle living. http://www.retrowinger.blogspot.com/
Check it out:)

Monday, April 5, 2010

No Way!

I just signed on to update and can't believe it has been since November that I posted. Holy Moly! Time has gone so fast! We've had Christmas & Carson's birthday, plus I got a new car and Clint got a Harley. Clint has started a blog called Zen and the ARt of Motorcycle Living (I think that's the name) so I thought I'd use this blog as my one outlet for thoughts. I've given the sisters instructions on how to log on, but so far I'm the only one that does, even though I'm not very consistent. Maybe since I'm going to share thoughts I will take time to post more often.
I finally got a convertible!!! Clint & I bought a car for my 44th birthday. It has already made me smile. The other day I was jamming to Kid Rock (edited version) and had my hair in a pony tail, head bopping with the music. A group of teenage boys honked and hollered until they realized it was someone their mom's age, AND they were in a car just like mine! I have a sapphire blue with tan leather interior Sebring. I'm loving the sunshine on my face, although I could do without the wind in my hair. If you have a suggestion for keeping my hair from being totally wrecked & tangled, please let me know. i have been putting it up in a pony tail, but that is getting old. I bought a hat, but half the time it almost flies off.
School is almost out for the summer. HooYaa! Only 38 more school days. I'm ready to get to stay at home. I have tons of 'honey-do' things that I'm the honey of. The garage is a pit, so is the pantry and laundry room. We are home enought to mess up, but not enough to clean up

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted. Wyatt and Ashlee brought Carson by to see us. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Carson was growling:)

Monday, September 7, 2009

New Pictures (Finally!)

This was last week. He's almost 6 months old and trying to crawl. Once he's mobile, we won't be able to stop him!
Carson Cole and Papa Wing. That's what I've decided he's going to call Clint since he rides a Goldwing now.
Carson loves being (almost) naked:)
Nanna and Carson Cole. (My arms are evenly tanned even though it doesn't look like it in this pic)

Friday, August 14, 2009

So long summer

Well, I had no idea it had been so long since I'd posted. July went by really fast. Leann and I both worked assessed national board certification candidate entries. This month has gone fast too. I start back to school Monday with the kids coming Thursday. Ethan went back yesterday. I'm not sure when Stillwater starts. Leann is at school so much I have no idea when she actually is suppose to be there.
Ethan is a Junior this year. More later, Lance is barking the house down.